Book Samples
What they said
Any Colour in particular seems an excellent book, putting BR in its political/economic context, plus some great 70s images.
Robert Humm & Co
I am so glad that Richard Harper has devoted a book to the rather forgotten seventies. These were my formative years in the rail industry when we shook off the trauma of the Beeching era. Richard’s richly illustrated book captures this perfectly, whilst reminding us of the challenging context that existed around us – Chris Green
With his fluent and engaging style, Richard has skilfully set into context for us how Britain’s railways of the seventies faced the wider social, political and economic pressures of that time. For me this book brings back the most vivid memories of those days and I am sure it will do for many others too – Dick Fearn
Richard has produced that rare book which is one that puts contemporary developments within BR in a wider political and economic context – Adrian Shooter